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Clossing Spider Veins

Closing the capillaries
Blood vessels are the nuisance of many of us. The skin with the so-called 'spiders' is red all the time. There are many reasons for such a serious problem, including: hypertension, consumption of certain drugs, adverse effects to polluted environment, sitting or standing mode of work, hormonal disorders, or improper skin care. To minimize this complaint I recommend:

Removal of vascular changes by IPL/RF laser:
The light energy emitted from the laser is absorbed by the red pigment of blood, i.e. hemoglobin. The blood 'curdles' and destroys the wall of a blood vessel from the inside. Laser pulses are felt as brief seizures. After some time the vessel is automatically removed from the body. In order to close all the broken blood vessels usually 1 to 6 treatments every 7-10 days are needed. It mostly depends on the quantity, diameter, depth, the color of blood vessels, and their location. However, I must stress that undergone ​​treatments do not remove the tendency towards widening of the blood and cracking them. Therefore, You may be expected to repeat the treatment in the future.

Reactions after treatment:
In the case of blood vessels performing 1 to 6 treatments every 7-10 days is recommended. A common symptom is the coagulation of hemoglobin as a result of laser thermal energy. Then the blood vessels are getting purple, and they darken. It is a natural symptom. After about 2-3 weeks the hemoglobin is washed off.

• Pregnancy and breastfeeding

• Menstruation

• Diabetes

• The use of drugs causing growth

• Sensitivity to light

• Tanned skin, and IV, V, and VI skin type

• The use of anticoagulants (medicines to lower blood clotting)

• Abnormal blood clotting

• Keloids (thick scar tissue)

After the treatment:
• If after three hours after the treatment you will feel burning or itching, you can apply moisturizing cosmetics (alcohol-free).

• Sometimes there also may occur rash and swelling, however, that irretrievably disappears within a few minutes.

• In addition, the skin becomes more sensitive than usual, so that do not apply heavy make-up and  avoid situations that expose the skin to injury.

• Sauna, sun-tanning, tanning, bronzers, and physical activity (also fitness) are not recommended for a few days.

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